Tuesday, April 21, 2009

18 weeks and growing

Wes took this picture of me last week at 18 weeks. So I have come to realize that while maternity clothes are way more comfortable, they make you look way more pregnant. However I am starting to really get a belly! Folks are just now coming up to me and ask me questions about when I'm due, ect.

We just had our 19 week ultrasound and no....we aren't finding out what the sex is, but the baby is developing beautifully, approx 9oz. I'll post the ultrasound pics later.

He (cause my maternal instincts think it's a boy) was so busy kicking and turning while the Tech was trying to capture pics of the legs and feet that he tuckered himself out and promptly went to sleep sucking his hand with his back turned so she couldn't get a profile shot of his face. So we are heading back to see him in four weeks to try again. The nurse said bring jolly ranchers just in case he doesn't cooperate. Wes and I aren't sure what that means exactly but it made us reminisce about our favorite flavors. Apple for me and watermelon or grape for him.


Giles Family said...

Oh Kala you look gorgeous! I enjoyed talking with you tonight. So very excited about your house - it's amazing! I can not wait to meet your little one - argh!!!!!

~Chris~ said...

Kala you look beautiful! For the record, I think it's a she!

The Lichtenberg's said...

You look so cute! What have the heart rates been? Have any names picked out? Typically the Dr.'s suggest jolly ranchers or some sugar to wake the baby up and gets him/her moving around a little :) Can't wait to see more pictures and the house looks great!