Friday, July 24, 2009

My new fuzzy friends

Thanks to the Cousins (Myles, Dylan and Tyler), Baby Costello will have three fuzzy friends to look forward to on his/her arrival date. Ok, maybe Momma is more excited to get these little guys. I've been drooling over them for months now and was so excited when Wes opened the gift last night. We were also very excited (again, maybe mostly me) to get the Baby's first scrapbook!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Twins...and I don't mean how many babies are in my belly

Great "Pregnant" minds think alike! I went into the office this week to catch up with my girlfriends (I know you thought I would say to actually do work). My friend Gwynne who is actually pregnant with twins (due this December) and I were dressed identical! And who says pregnant women can't be stylish:) It was too funny not to take a picture. Stay tuned to find out what matching outfit we plan next!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Week 29 spent with my girlfriends in KC

Since Wes takes a guy trip every year with his Fraternity friends I decided this year that I would take advantage before the baby arrives to get one good girl weekend in with my best buds from KC. Espcially since I could tack it onto a business trip to Atlanta to help save money on the flight! It was just in time too as the Dr ordered no more flights for the rest of my maternity:(

The weather was so hot, but we had a wonderful time. The girls totally suprised me with a baby shower on the plaza. Thanks to Amy for being the driver and decoy, Chris and Jen for the cake, decorations and coordination and Molly and Nikki for spending the afternoon celebrating with us. It was so great to see everyone, hear mom and baby advice and just to catch up. Here is a pic from the weekend, however I hope to get more from the weekend and post later.